fmMain.cbLoadOnStartup.Caption = Load at Windows startup
fmMain.cbLoadOnStartup.Hint =
fmMain.btnClose.Hint = Press to close settings window.
fmMain.grpUnits.Caption = Temperature units
fmMain.rbCelcius.Caption = Celcius
fmMain.rbFahrenheit.Caption = Fahrenheit
fmMain.lbTime.Caption = Temp poll period, min:
fmMain.edTime.Hint =
fmMain.lbColor.Caption = Icon color:
fmMain.lbBack.Caption = Icon background:
fmMain.SIGLogo.Hint = Click to open HDD Temperature homepage in the Internet.
fmMain.clColor.Hint = Click to choose color of numbers in tray icon.
fmMain.clBack.Hint = Click to choose background color of tray icon.
fmMain.lbMaxTemp.Caption = Maximum temperature:
fmMain.edMaxTemp.Hint = Enter maximum temperature for hard drives. If any drive overheating message displayed.
fmMain.cbLang.Hint = Click here to list and choose available languages.
fmMain.lbLang.Caption = Language:
fmMain.btnTestNetMessage.Hint = Click here to send test network message.
fmMain.btnNetworkChoose.Hint = Click here to choose computer from available computers in network.
fmMain.btnEMailTest.Hint = Click here to send test e-mail message.
fmMain.btnClose.Hint = Click to close settings window.
fmMain.btnClose.Caption = Close
fmMain.lbEMail.Caption = E-mail to:
fmMain.lbNetMessage.Caption = Network message to:
fmMain.grpUnits.Hint = Choose temperature display units.
fmMain.cbLoadOnStartup.Hint = Set this checkbox if you want to load HDD Temperature at Windows startup.
fmMain.edNetworkSendTo.Hint = Enter network computer name for send messages to.
fmMain.edEMail.Hint = Enter e-mail address for sending messages to.
fmMain.edPollTime.Hint = Enter how often HDD Temperature must poll your hard drives to know temperature (in seconds).
fmMain.cbHibernate.Caption = Hibernate on overheat
fmMain.cbHibernate.Hint = If checked, when hard drive overheat detected, HDD Temperature immediately hibernates system, saving all your data.
fmEndTrial.Caption = Trial period expired!
fmEndTrial.ftTBar.Caption = HDD TemperatureT - trial period has expired!
fmEndTrial.btnClose.Hint = Press here to close this dialog.
fmEndTrial.btnEntRegCode.Hint = Press here to enter registration code, received from PalickSoft after purchase.
fmEndTrial.btnRegPage.Hint = Press here to visit PalickSoft program registration page.
fmEndTrial.btnSIG_Page.Hint = Press here to visit HDD TemperatureT homepage.
fmEndTrial.lbRegister.Caption = We are sorry,|but you trial period has expired.||To continue using HDD TemperatureT|you must register (purchase) program.||Press buttons on left to visit PalickSoft registration page and register on-line!||Footprint in the right lower corner can be used for close this window.
fmEnterRegCode.btnCancel.Caption= &Cancel
fmEnterRegCode.btnCancel.Hint = Press here to cancel registration and close this window.
fmEnterRegCode.btnOk.Caption = Enter!
fmEnterRegCode.btnOk.Hint = Press here to save registration code.
fmEnterRegCode.btnPaste.Caption = &Paste
fmEnterRegCode.btnPaste.Hint = Press here to paste registration key from clipboard.
fmEnterRegCode.Caption = Enter Registration Code
fmEnterRegCode.imgWeb.Hint = Press here to visit registration page in the Internet.
fmEnterRegCode.lbEnterCode.Caption =Please, enter registration code.|You can use Copy and Paste.|To know more about registration press here:
fmTrialReminder.btnExit.Caption = &Exit
fmTrialReminder.btnExit.Hint = Press here to exit and don't use HDD TemperatureT.
fmTrialReminder.btnNext.Hint = Press here to continue to use HDD TemperatureT.
fmTrialReminder.btnNext.Caption = &Continue
fmTrialReminder.btnRegister.Caption=&Register !
fmTrialReminder.btnRegister.Hint= Press here to register HDD TemperatureT on-line using Internet!
fmTrialReminder.ftTBar.Caption = Trial version reminder!
fmTrialReminder.imgSIG_logo.Hint= Click here to visit HDD TemperatureT homepage in the Internet.
fmTrialReminder.lbText.Caption = This is an unregistered 30-day evaluation version of HDD Temperature. Use of it after the 30-day evaluation has expired is prohibited. To continue use it you must register (purchase) this software. To know more about registration press "Register" button. Our site is :
fmNetwork.btnOk.Hint = Click here to choose selected (highlited) computer.
; Problem Report Tool Translations
fmRepTool.lbText.Caption = Welcome to the PalickSoft problem report tool!||You can use this tool for sending bugreports and questions to PalickSoft support.||PRIVACY INFORMATION: No any privacy information sends by this program. Only hardware configuration of your computer to allow us help you as fast as possible.
fmRepTool.btnClose.Caption = Close
fmRepTool.btnClose.Hint = Press to close this program and abort bug reporting.
fmRepTool.btnSend.Caption = Send
fmRepTool.btnSend.Hint = Press to send e-mail to PalickSoft support using your default mail program.
fmRepTool.edProblemSubject.Text = Enter problem subject (mail subject)
fmRepTool.imgLogo.Hint = Click here to visit PalickSoft website
fmRepTool.meProblemDescr.Lines = Enter problem description here.
T1 = temperature
T2 = Shows hard drive temperature in system tray.
T3 = We can't find in the your system any hard drives supports temperature.
T4 = WARNING! One of your hard drives exceeds maximum temperature!!!
T5 = HDD Temperature Service not running!|Try to start it by command "net start HDDTService" in WinNT/2k or "svcomsc start HDDTService" in Win9x/Me.||Additional error info:
T8 = Eror while opening S.M.A.R.T. driver!|Probably, smartvsd.vxd not found.|Reboot your system and try again.|If error persists - report to PalickSoft.
T16 = Error creating shortcut in StartUp folder!
T21 = Show your hard drives temperatures in the system tray.
T22 = Overheat temperature must be higher than warning temperature!
V = Version
V1 = Beta Version!
V2 = Private Build!
V3 = build
M1 = Homepage
M2 = Settings
M3 = Exit
; Strings used in e-mails
E1 = HDD Temperature user
E3 = at computer
E5 = Error while sending mail. Check mail settings.
E6 = HDD Temperature monitors HDD:
E7 = Sample test message from HDD Temperature||sy,| PalickSoft Team
E8 = HDD Temperature reports at
; in version 1.1 added
fmMain.grbGeneral.Caption = general settings
fmMain.grbIcon.Caption = icon in tray
fmMain.grbOnOverheat.Caption = on overheat
T23 = Overheat temperature must be higher than warning temperature!
; in version 1.2 added
T24 = You must have administrative rights to change HDD Temperature settings!
; added in version 1.3
fmMain.cbShowSplash.Caption = Show splash at startup
fmMain.cbShowSplash.Hint = If enabled, HDD Temperature logo show while program is loading
fmMain.tsGeneral.Caption = General
fmMain.tsTrayIcon.Caption = Tray icon
fmMain.tsOverheat.Caption = On overheat
fmMain.grpTemp.Caption = Temperature
fmMain.lbTempWarning.Caption = Warning on overheat
fmMain.cbBalloonHint.Caption = Show a balloon hint on overheat (Windows 2000/XP only)
fmMain.cbShowOverheatBox.Caption= Show message box about hard drive overheat
fmMain.grpEMail.Caption = Send e-mail
fmMain.grpNetwork.Caption = Network message
fmMain.lbSMTPserver.Caption = SMTP server:
fmMain.lbSMTPuser.Caption = user:
fmMain.lbSMTPpass.Caption = password:
fmMain.btnDefault.Caption = Default
fmMain.btnDefault.Hint = Make default settings.
; added in version 1.4
fmMain.cbBalloonHintOverheat.Caption = Show balloon hint on overheat (Windows 2000/XP only)
T26 = hard drive has exceeded its maximum temperature!
T27 = More than one hard drive detected!
T28 = Hard Drive Temperature Changed.
T29 = Not all drives are monitored!
T30 = You have more than one hard drive! Order the HDD Temperature Pro version immediately!!!